Results for 'Álvaro Vázquez Mantecón'

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  1.  17
    Tres visiones de la revolución mexicana desde la historiografía brasileña.Álvaro Vázquez Mantecón - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (2):01.
    En los años recientes se han realizado nuevos estudios sobre las relaciones políticas y culturales entre México y Brasil en el siglo XX. De ello dan buena cuenta los tres textos que conforman esta sección, que muestran cómo se está abordando desde la academia contemporánea la proyección de la imagen del México postrevolucionario en Brasil.
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    Gaze-fixation and pupil dilation in the processing of emotional faces: The role of rumination.Almudena Duque, Alvaro Sanchez & Carmelo Vazquez - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (8):1347-1366.
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    An integrative analysis of potential mechanisms of reduced positive affect in daily life in depression: an ESM study.Ana Mar Pacheco-Romero, Óscar Martín-García, Ricardo Rey-Sáez, Teresa Boemo, Iván Blanco, Carmelo Vázquez & Álvaro Sánchez-López - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (4):587-604.
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    An Axiomatic Theory of Inductive Inference.Luciano Pomatto & Alvaro Sandroni - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (2):293-315.
    This article develops an axiomatic theory of induction that speaks to the recent debate on Bayesian orgulity. It shows the exact principles associated with the belief that data can corroborate universal laws. We identify two types of disbelief about induction: skepticism that the existence of universal laws of nature can be determined empirically, and skepticism that the true law of nature, if it exists, can be successfully identified. We formalize and characterize these two dispositions toward induction by introducing novel axioms (...)
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    Formation Tracking of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents Using Distance and Area Constraints.E. G. Hernandez-Martinez, E. D. Ferreira-Vazquez, G. Fernandez-Anaya & J. J. Flores-Godoy - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
    This paper presents two formation tracking control strategies for a combined set of single and double integrator agents with an arbitrary undirected communication topology. The first approach is based on the design of distance-based potential functions with interagent collision avoidance using local information about the distance and orientation between agents and the desired trajectory. The second approach adds signed area constraints to the desired formation specification and a control strategy that uses distance as well as area terms is designed to (...)
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    Bullshit jobs: Graeber y la alienación en el capitalismo financiarizado.Álvaro Ramos Colás - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (1):134-154.
    En el presente ensayo intentaremos exponer algunos aspectos de la crítica de Graeber al capitalismo financiarizado. En el primer apartado introduciremos su concepto de alienación, clave para entender el sentido de su obra. En los apartados posteriores presentaremos las ideas principales que se pueden encontrar en Bullshit Jobs, su último libro. En él expone una teoría de los trabajos basura o inútiles, que considera uno de los pilares fundamentales de la ideología neoliberal, junto con la omnipresencia de la burocracia y (...)
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    Differentiated variables of the seriousness level of the depression by means of the Rorschach Comprehensive System.Maricela Alfonseca Guerra, Pedro Fernández Olazábal & Roberto Vázquez Montes de Oca - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):598-612.
    RESUMEN Se desarrolló una investigación descriptiva transversal, con un enfoque cuantitativo, en la que la muestra fue seleccionada de manera intencional pura, no probabilística, según criterios establecidos por los autores del estudio. Quedó constituida por las variables del Sistema Comprehensivo Rorschach pertenecientes a 120 protocolos de sujetos con trastornos depresivos, de ellos 82 presentaron depresión moderada, y 38 depresión severa. Se aplicaron los siguientes métodos empíricos: entrevista, observación, Autoescala de Zung y Conde, y el Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach. Los estadígrafos que (...)
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    Teoría y filosofía política: la recuperación de los clásicos en el debate latinoamericano.Atilio Borón, Alvaro de Vita & Eduardo Grüner (eds.) - 2002 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
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    Experiencias educativas e inclusivas con alumnado con TDAH: una revisión teórica.Cecilia Latorre Cosculluela, Marta Liesa Orús & Sandra Vázquez Toledo - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (10):75-89.
    Inclusive education guides democratic schools that advocate for justice and equity, especially for those students with different needs. In this manuscript, the Making Socially Accepting Inclusive Classrooms model and peer mediation are reviewed as the most effective procedures for this purpose.
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    An approach to the design of didactic material for the strengthening of the integral development of the child.Daniel Davila Leon, Karen Aigaje, Mario Caiza, Michelle Flores & Jhoel Vazquez - 2022 - Minerva 3 (7):5-16.
    The development of children must be an integral part of their educational environment, focusing on strengthening their learning and social skills. The research is framed in the design of didactic material, under the perspective of product design. As a discipline of study, it focuses on the needs andparticularities of the rural educational environment and attempts to support the integral development that Ecuadorian education has been pursued. In this context, with a qualitative approach, the characteristics of the environment are collected, as (...)
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    Development of self-efficacy in high school students through soil analysis in the protected natural area "Estero El Soldado".Ana Lucía Colunga Olea, Flor Madalitza Vázquez Paz & Erika Jazmín Pérez López - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1082-1089.
    Teaching various scientific disciplines involves both hands-on and theoretical methods aimed at sparking students' curiosity in learning concepts. Students enhance their comprehension by actively engaging in direct activities rather than solely relying on explanations provided by teachers. The development of a research project carried out by 12th grade students during the semester allowed them to develop scientific or technological research to understand nature and act on it. The research project involved taking soil samples of natural protected area “Estero El Soldado” (...)
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    Historia de la investigación en la simbiosis leguminosa-bacteria: una perspectiva didáctica.Marta Helena Ramírez-Bahena, Álvaro Peix, Encarna Velázquez & Eulogio J. Bedmar - 2016 - Arbor 192 (779):a319.
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    The Color of Noise and Weak Stationarity at the NREM to REM Sleep Transition in Mild Cognitive Impaired Subjects.Alejandra Rosales-Lagarde, Erika E. Rodriguez-Torres, Benjamín A. Itzá-Ortiz, Pedro Miramontes, Génesis Vázquez-Tagle, Julio C. Enciso-Alva, Valeria García-Muñoz, Lourdes Cubero-Rego, José E. Pineda-Sánchez, Claudia I. Martínez-Alcalá & Jose S. Lopez-Noguerola - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:361371.
    In Older Adults (OAs), Electroencephalogram (EEG) slowing in frontal lobes and a diminished muscle atonia during Rapid Eye Movement sleep (REM) have each been effective tracers of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), but this relationship remains to be explored by non-linear analysis. Likewise, data provided by EEG, EMG (Electromyogram) and EOG (Electrooculogram)—the three required sleep indicators—during the transition from REM to Non-REM (NREM) sleep have not been related jointly to MCI. Therefore, the main aim of the study was to explore, with (...)
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  14.  47
    Leer a San Agustín.Miguel A. Vázquez Villagrasa - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 36:289-300.
    Las Confesiones de San Agustín son una obra muy peculiar. Lectores e investigadores convienen en ello. No es fácil ‘definir’ ni comprender ese escrito. El presente estudio intenta una aproximación a su contenido mediante un examen de ciertos rasgos característicos de la obra que derivan de su propia singularidad. Y denunciamos también algunos impedimentos de comprensión y lectura. Confiemos en que esta mirada pueda ofrecer una guía inicial, pero orientadora, a la misma. Además, el estudio formal y temático revela una (...)
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    (1 other version)Interhemispheric and Intrahemispheric Connectivity From the Left Pars Opercularis Within the Language Network Is Modulated by Transcranial Stimulation in Healthy Subjects.Woo-Kyoung Yoo, Marine Vernet, Jung-Hoon Kim, Anna-Katharine Brem, Shahid Bashir, Fritz Ifert-Miller, Chang-Hwan Im, Mark Eldaief & Alvaro Pascual-Leone - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Álvaro Ruiz Rodilla: Fuentes del imaginario nacional mexicano: arte pictórico, nacionalismo y discursos en pugna.Álvaro Ruiz Rodilla - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    La siguiente reseña explora el libro más reciente del historiador Tomás Pérez Vejo, el cual se adentra en un relato de nación construido a partir de los acervos pictóricos. El imaginario visual que se construye desde las exposiciones y críticas de pintura marca un ciclo crístico de nacimientos, tormentos, liberaciones y resurrecciones, cuyo interés primordial es su poderosa impronta en la historia oficial nacional y en cómo esta permea aún el presente.
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    Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993 : bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues - 1995
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    Robustly embodied imagination and the limits of perspective-taking.María Jimena Clavel Vázquez & Adriana Clavel-Vázquez - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (4):1395-1420.
    Experiential imagination consists in an imaginative projection that aims at simulating the experiences one would undergo in different circumstances. It has been traditionally thought to play a role in how we build our lives, engage with other agents, and appreciate art. Although some philosophers have recently expressed doubts over the capacity of experiential imagination to offer insight into the perspective of someone other than our present-selves, experiential imagination remains a much sought-after tool. This paper substantiates pessimism about the epistemological value (...)
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  19. Biological Autonomy: A Philosophical and Theoretical Enquiry.Alvaro Moreno & Matteo Mossio - 2015 - Dordrecht: Springer. Edited by Matteo Mossio.
    Since Darwin, Biology has been framed on the idea of evolution by natural selection, which has profoundly influenced the scientific and philosophical comprehension of biological phenomena and of our place in Nature. This book argues that contemporary biology should progress towards and revolve around an even more fundamental idea, that of autonomy. Biological autonomy describes living organisms as organised systems, which are able to self-produce and self-maintain as integrated entities, to establish their own goals and norms, and to promote the (...)
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  20.  12
    Jordania tras la reforma política de 2021. Contexto y principales desafíos.Álvaro de Argüelles Lugo - 2024 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 45:123-140.
    El año 2021 marca un punto de inflexión en Jordania, con la creación de una Comisión Real para la Modernización Política. El objetivo es crear un sistema de partidos que deje atrás las dinámicas clientelistas que en el pasado habían capturado el parlamento. A pesar de ello, el legislativo sigue supeditado al resto de poderes del Estado, y todavía no existe el espacio físico ni digital para que la sociedad se organice en líneas ideológicas.
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    Proyecto político, estado, hegemonía y dominación: un acercamiento conceptual al pensamiento de Álvaro García Linera.Álvaro Pavón González - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 101:151-177.
    Nos proponemos analizar el pensamiento de Álvaro García Linera, uno de los intelectuales más interesantes en lengua española, y que mayor difusión está teniendo en los últimos tiempos. Para ello, tomaremos como punto de referencia cuatro de las ideas centrales dentro de la filosofía del boliviano: proyecto político, estado, hegemonía y dominación (analizando las dos últimas de manera conjunta). Comenzaremos exponiendo las influencias de García Linera, así como las peculiaridades de sus planteamientos, para centrarnos posteriormente en la etapa de su (...)
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  22. Inquérito Sobre a Filosofia Portuguesa. Depoimentos de Alvaro Ribeiro [Et Al. Apresentação de Pinharanda Gomes].Álvaro Ribeiro & Jesué Pinharanda Gomes - 1972 - Editora Pax.
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    Special issue SOCO12.Álvaro Herrero, Václav Snášel, Ajith Abraham, Ivan Zelinka, Bruno Baruque, Héctor Quintián, José Luis Calvo-Rolle, Javier Sedano, Andre de Carlvalho & Emilio Corchado - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (2):91-93.
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    Viewing cognitive mechanisms in the context of biology.Linda Hermer-Vazquez - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):689-690.
    Cognitive mechanisms are based in organisms’biology, and results from biological studies suggest that there is unlikely to be a single mechanism for reorienting or for combining information across modules or domains. Rather, there are likely to be multiple, partly overlapping systems for accomplishing nearly all cognitive and behavioral goals, as is the case for biological mechanisms more generally.
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    Posiciones políticas sobre el derecho al turismo.Alejandro Mantecón & Raquel Huete Nieves - 2021 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 26 (1):33-58.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar las relaciones que se establecen entre turismo, ideología y poder. En concreto, se quiere profundizar en la comprensión de los argumentos que legitiman o cuestionan la consideración del turismo como un derecho social. La explicación que se propone se fundamenta en la revisión de documentos publicados por organizaciones que tienen un rol significativo en el sistema turístico. Finalmente, se caracterizan y comparan las posiciones de tres bloques ideológicos: neoliberal, del capitalismo social y altermundista, (...)
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    The walking stick of Aesculapius: its history.Isael Armando Pérez Vazquez & Sánchez Lera - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):220-237.
    Se realizó la revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de que los jóvenes profesionales de la salud conozcan acerca de la historia, origen y significado del distintivo que representa a la Medicina en todos sus campos con un carácter humanista y elevados valores éticos y morales: el emblema de Esculapio, al que se le atribuyen dotes para calmar o apaciguar. Esta imagen del bastón con la serpiente es la que ha quedado como un atributo del dios curativo y ha llegado hasta (...)
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    Progreso científico y verdad.Juan Vázquez - 1991 - Critica 23 (69):101-135.
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  28. The mechanistic foundation of Weber’s law.Jose Pardo-Vazquez, Juan Castiñeiras-de Saa, Mafalda Valente, Iris Damião, Tiago Costa, M. Inês Vicente, André Mendonça, Zachary Mainen & Alfonso Renart - 2019 - Nature Neuroscience 22 (9):1493–1502.
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  29. Rethinking autonomism: Beauty in a world of moral anarchy.Adriana Clavel-Vazquez - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (7):e12501.
    Advocates of the ethical criticism of art claim that works' ethical defects or merits have an impact on their aesthetic value. Against ethical critics, autonomists claim that moral criteria should not be part of the considerations when evaluating works of art as art. Autonomism refers to the view that an artwork's aesthetic value is independent from its ethical value. The purpose of this paper is to examine how autonomism has been defended in the contemporary discussion in analytic aesthetics. I present (...)
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    A 40 años de Estudios: entrevista con su fundador, Rodolfo Vázquez.José Rafael González Díaz & Rodolfo Darío Vázquez Cardozo - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (150):17.
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    The Diversity of Intrinsic Ethical Flaws in Fiction.Adriana Clavel-vázquez - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (2):143-156.
    This article examines what constitutes an ethical flaw in artworks and asks which ethical flaws are relevant in determining works. ethical and aesthetic values. I argue that while most of the discussion has simply taken for granted that it is intrinsic ethical flaws that should be taken into account, there are further important differences in the type of intrinsic ethical flaws that artworks display. I identify two different types of ethical defects in artworks, fictional and actual, and argue that this (...)
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  32. Case‐Based Reasoning in Educational Ethics: Phronēsis and Epistemic Blinders.Michael Vazquez & Dustin Webster - 2024 - Educational Theory 74 (4):492-511.
    In this paper Michael Vazquez and Dustin Webster consider the practice of deliberating about ethical case studies as a means to contribute to the professional development of educators. An ongoing debate is whether or not the study of ethical theory should be included in this practice. Vazquez and Webster argue that a popular strategy, known as the Phronetic Approach, is vulnerable to what they call “epistemic blinders” that arise in the absence of the scaffolding provided by theory. They then sketch (...)
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    Ferrer, Eduardo y Pereira, Álvaro , "Profecía y adivinación en las religiones de la Antigüedad". Spal Monografías Arqueología XXIV. Sevilla, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2017, 171 pp. ISBN: 978-84-472-1915-5. [REVIEW]Álvaro Gómez Peña - 2018 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 23:366-368.
  34. The problem of the emergence of functional diversity in prebiotic evolution.Alvaro Moreno & Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (5):585-605.
    Since Darwin it is widely accepted that natural selection (NS) is the most important mechanism to explain how biological organisms—in their amazing variety—evolve and, therefore, also how the complexity of certain natural systems can increase over time, creating ever new functions or functional structures/relationships. Nevertheless, the way in which NS is conceived within Darwinian Theory already requires an open, wide enough, functional domain where selective forces may act. And, as the present paper will try to show, this becomes even more (...)
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    (1 other version)EI código genético como punto crítico en la evolución de Los sistemas biológicos.Bergareche Alvaro Moreno & Fernández Julio - 1988 - Theoria 4 (1):177-196.
    Firstly we consider the new results about enzymatic capabilities in the RNA. In this framework we analyse the sequence-folding duality as a precursor of the genotype/phenotype duality. We discuss then which are the evolutive potentialities and limitations for a system with the absence and the presence of a nucleic acid to proteins translator code. We study the arise of the code in the living systems as a form of deep interlooking between the logic of the machinery and its hardware, discussing (...)
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    Intuiciones de criptojudaísmo en el Quod nihil scitur de Francisco Sánchez.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13:285-294.
    RESUMENEn la obra del pensador gallego Francisco Sánchez (1551-1623), titulada Que nada se sabe, existen una serie de características que nos obligan a relacionarla directamente con el pensamiento judío. Entre estas cuestiones se hallan: las citas bíblicas recogidas por su autor, siendo la gran mayoría de ellas procedentes del Antiguo Testamento; la falta de la dedicatoria a la virgen María o la relación entre el alma y el cuerpo que recoge Sánchez y que es de claro origen judío.PALABRAS CLAVEESCEPTICISMO, PENSAMIENTO (...)
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    The Politics of Viagra: Gender, Dysfunction and Reproduction in Japan.Genaro Castro-Vázquez - 2006 - Body and Society 12 (2):109-129.
    The introduction of Viagra in Japan is largely associated with the construction of ‘abject masculinities’. The approval of the drug comes amidst worries about hormones polluting the environment and Japanese men's unwillingness to perform their ‘appropriate gender role’ in a country coping with problems in the economy, a growing number of unmarried people, an ageing population and declining birth rates. In this article, I analyse how impotence, gender and reproduction are entangled in the ways in which Japanese physicians report erectile (...)
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    La destrucción de la metafísica como ausencia en M. Heidegger.María Jimena Clavel Vázquez - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 27:185-189.
    During the project of the fundamental ontology, Heidegger refers to destruction as a moment of phenomenology –among other two that are equally constitutive– which has a mainly historical character. Now, this paper aims to show that the notion of philosophy as destruction is intensified as Heidegger’s thought moved forward. Destruction, in Heidegger’s first lectures, demands an analysis on both the limits and possibilities of the philosophical tradition. It is in this analysis when we come to realize that the question of (...)
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    The evolution of neural dynamics permitting isocortical-limbic-motor communication.R. Hermer-Vazquez & L. Hermer-Vazquez - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):559-560.
    The first cortically based associative circuits integrated olfactory, motivational, and motor information. Many of the neural dynamics present in these evolutionarily ancient, olfactory-motor circuits, such as the broadband frequency, phase, and amplitude modulations seen during recognition of a rewarded olfactory stimulus, are also found in isocortical circuits. These results suggest that mechanisms permitting olfactory associative processing formed the basis for evolutionarily more recent large-scale couplings involving isocortical areas.
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    La teoría cuántica de la gravedad y la física de partículas elementales.Enrique Álvarez Vázquez - 1998 - Arbor 159 (626):139-151.
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  41. Desafíos de las TIC: el cambio educativo en Iberoamérica.Alvaro Marchesi & Tamara Díaz - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 78:111-114.
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  42. A Razão Animada.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1957 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 13 (4):433-434.
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  43. Leonardo Coimbra.Álvaro Ribeiro - 1945 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 1 (4):419-419.
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    Interdisciplinar in academic, work-related and research training of medical students in Camagüey.Aldo Jesús Scrich Vázquez & Cruz Fonseca - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (1):87-108.
    Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de ejemplificar los modos de actuación en el trabajo metodológico interdisciplinario que respondan a la formación académica, laboral e investigativa de los estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, desde una concepción intra e interdisciplinaria, rectorada por la disciplina Informática Médica. Se elaboraron propuestas de tareas docentes problematizadoras desde una estrategia metodológica a partir de la planificación que cada asignatura del año debe diseñar, las que permitieron (...)
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    Communication.Juan Adolfo Vázquez - 1953 - Journal of Philosophy 50 (1):18-19.
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    Plurality of Explanatory Strategies in Biology: Mechanisms and Networks.Alvaro Moreno & Javier Suárez - 2020 - In Alvaro Moreno & Javier Suárez (eds.), Methodological Prospects for Scientific Research. pp. 141-165.
    Recent research in philosophy of science has shown that scientists rely on a plurality of strategies to develop successful explanations of different types of phenomena. In the case of biology, most of these strategies go far beyond the traditional and reductionistic models of scientific explanation that have proven so successful in the fundamental sciences. Concretely, in the last two decades, philosophers of science have discovered the existence of at least two different types of scientific explanation at work in the biological (...)
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  47. La persistencia del marxismo: entrevista con Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez.Gabriel Vargas Lozano & Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez - 1996 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 7:185-194.
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    How Not to Learn From Catastrophe.Antonio Y. Vázquez-Arroyo - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):738-765.
    This essay conceptualizes the intersections between contemporary catastrophes and political life by exploring how narratives of catastrophe mediate discursive and objective processes of catastrophization. It argues for the need to counteract catastrophization, a discursive and objective political phenomenon, by not only re-cognizing how catastrophes impinge on political life but by offering a more critical understanding of this intersection. The essay thus calls for the politicization of catastrophe as a response to the “catastrophization of political life.” Apropos of these concerns, it (...)
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  49. Alvaro Ribeiro e a filosofia portuguesa: ciclo de palestras promovido pela Fundação Lusíada Ateneu Comercial do Porto em 14 e 15 de maio de 1993: bibliografia geral de Alvaro Ribeiro.Alvaro Ribeiro & Joaquim Domingues (eds.) - 1995 - Lisboa: A Fundação.
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    Lab-Grown Meat and Veganism: A Virtue-Oriented Perspective.Carlo Alvaro - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):127-141.
    The project of growing meat artificially represents for some the next best thing to humanity. If successful, it could be the solution to several problems, such as feeding a growing global population while reducing the environmental impact of raising animals for food and, of course, reducing the amount and degree of animal cruelty and suffering that is involved in animal farming. In this paper, I argue that the issue of the morality of such a project has been framed only in (...)
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